November 2011

Bloodied But Unbowed by Sam Sutherland (Exclaim Magazine)

There's an unexpected dose of humour here, as director Susanne Tabata works to capture all the angles that made Vancouver such a new wave hotbed, while the segment covering the K-Tels' Art Bergmann is particularly strong and touching, highlighting the damage that years spent in the punk trenches has done to some of its early participants. Ultimately, Bloodied is crucial viewing for any fan of the classic Vancouver scene, but offers enough context and brevity to engross anyone with a casual interest in Canada's musical history. [...]

Bloodied But Unbowed by Sam Sutherland
Exclaim! Magazine Dec. 2011 issue
For fans of bands like D.O.A, the Subhumans and the Pointed Sticks, it will come as no surprise that Bloodied but Unbowed, a long-overdue documentary about the early Vancouver punk scene, is as good as its 2006 Stateside counterpart, American Hardcore. A slick, high-energy look at one of the most active punk and hardcore communities of the '70s and early '80s, Bloodied is every bit the film these unsung Canuck heroes deserve.

Punk Scene Gets its Due in Fast, Furious Doc (Winnipeg Free Press)

Arguably, punk rock wouldn't be as powerful if the personalities behind the music weren't equally as compelling. Take the Vancouver punk scene, for instance, where punk pioneers like Joe Keithley, Gerry Hannah, Randy Rampage, Zippy Pinhead, Brad Kent, Jimmy Cummins and Tony Bardach are as colourful as the music they made in D.O.A., the Subhumans, the Pointed Sticks and I, Braineater. They all get a chance to show off their compelling personas while reminiscing about the fertile underground Vancouver scene between 1977 and 1981 in the new Susanne Tabata documentary, Bloodied But Unbowed.

Punk Scene Gets its Due in Fast, Furious Doc, by Rob Williams
Winnipeg Free Press 18 November 2011

Bloodied But Unbowed Friday, November 18 at SFU Harbour Centre

Bloodied But Unbowed Friday, free screening November 18 at SFU Harbour Centre, Vancouver

Bloodied But Unbowed Friday, free screening November 18 at SFU Harbour Centre, Vancouver. SFU staff/faculty/students. Info and registration here

SFU Nov18

Bloodied But Unbowed on SuperChannel Dec.13

Bloodied But Unbowed on SuperChannel - world broadcast premiere of the feature-length, uncut version!

December 13, 2011

Bloodied But Unbowed on SuperChannel!
The world broadcast premiere of the feature-length, uncut version!

Visit for repeat times and HD broadcasts.

Superchannel web flyer

Bloodied But Unbowed to invade Winnipeg!

Bloodied But Unbowed invades Winnipeg in November

Winnipeg poster