Knowledge Network

Bloodied But Unbowed airing on the Knowledge Network, Sept 28

Bloodied But Unbowed is airing on the Knowledge Network, Sept 28 at 10pm

Bloodied But Unbowed is airing on the Knowledge Network Sept 28 at 10pm. This will be the 55 min edit of the documentary, substantially shorter than the 75 min festival cut. It will be preceded by Susanne Tabata's surfing documentary, 49 Degrees, at 9pm.

BBU TV premiere

Battle of the Canadian punk films: "Toronto vs Vancouver smackdown, bring it on!!"

"Punk documentary Bloodied but Unbowed finds a fan in Toronto filmmaker Colin Brunton" By Adrian Mack, September 9, 2010, The Georgia Straight

"Punk documentary Bloodied But Unbowed finds a fan in Toronto filmmaker Colin Brunton," by Adrian Mack, The Georgia Straight (link to article)

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